RSC Investigations

Risk Solutions Caribbean conduct’s objective and independent investigations into illegalities within organizations. Our findings focus only on establishing relevant facts and circumstances. 

Our work includes investigation into: 

  • Theft or embezzlement of organizational assets;
  • Security incidents;
  • Inappropriate conduct;
  • Asset investigation and;
  • Counterfeit products.

After establishing a legitimate interest, we carry out the investigation for you. Subsidiarity, proportionality, and reciprocity are leading concepts for us.

Our reports are clear and concise. 

Our LinkedIn company page contains interesting posts about our services.

Let Risk Solutions Caribbean be your partner and contact us for a no-obligation and discreet introduction.

Also check our other fields of work:


Objective and independent investigation into irregularities within organisations.


Supporting organizations in their legally required tasks


Scientific research, advice and education in the field of crime.